This entry delves into a corner of Ezora, a fragment of my world’s lore that you can adapt to your game if you find it inspiring. Use this adaptable lore to enrich the story, characters, or themes of your own game world.
Y'rinriss is the goddess of cursed fertility, mutation, and life that defies the laws of nature. Represented as a pulsating mass of flesh and coral, embedded with eyes and mouths that whisper to the desperate, Y'rinriss embodies the unrestrained, chaotic life that emerges from death and corruption. In her domain beneath the stagnant waters, where light barely reaches, she reigns as a twisted mother, nurturing her deformed children and bestowing her "blessing" upon those who seek to proliferate new forms of life, even if they are monstrous and aberrant. To the Scaled Ones, Y'rinriss is both a source of power and a reminder of the fragility of mortal form—and the potential to transcend it through mutation.
It is said that the first mutated spawns were born when a desperate group of Scaled Ones, ravaged by a plague, called upon Y'rinriss for a solution. In response, she offered them survival through mutation, transforming their bodies into hybrid abominations capable of withstanding the abyss's extreme conditions. However, this "blessing" turned them into eternally ravenous, bloodthirsty beings, condemning them to a tormented existence.
The cult of Y'rinriss venerates life in its most chaotic form, considering mutation and deformity as sacred paths of evolution. To them, purity and stability are signs of weakness and stagnation, whereas mutated flesh and abominations represent true potential. They see corruption and decay as natural processes that give rise to something stronger, more adapted to the harsh challenges of their environment.
The cult does not seek to preserve life as it is but rather to catalyze its transformation, even through pain and sacrifice. Its followers constantly strive to modify their bodies and those of others, employing bloody rituals and venoms that induce extreme mutations. The temples of Y'rinriss, known as the "Wombs of Rebirth," are humid caverns teeming with ever-growing life, with walls covered in coral and pulsating flesh, where ceremonies of mutation and sacrifice take place.
The most devoted followers of Y'rinriss, known as the "Midwives of Horror," are both feared and revered figures in Scaled society. They act as mutators, healers, and shamans, guiding transformation and healing rituals through the deliberate introduction of diseases and venoms that catalyze mutation. Their primary role is to select the most suitable individuals to receive Y'rinriss's "blessing," ensuring that those with the most advantageous or terrifying mutations ascend in the hierarchy. The temples, located in unreachable depths, are sites of sacred horror, where bodies are reshaped and where new abominations are born—both as symbols of power and as living weapons.
The Path of the Devout
- Accept deformity as a sacred gift, not a curse.
- Every death is merely the beginning of a new form of life; do not fear destruction in the name of creation.
- Flesh must change and adapt; that which does not mutate, perishes.
- Never purify or preserve; rot is the true seed of power.
- Seek symbiosis between flesh and coral; fuse with the environment to gain the strength of the abyss..
- Offer your weak offspring to Y'rinriss; only the strongest must thrive.
Sacred Symbol: A coral heart wrapped in tentacles. Domains: Water, Creation, Darkness, Pestilence, Suffering. Alignment: Chaotic Evil. Favored Weapon: Claw and armored gauntlet.
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Sacred Symbol of Y'rinriss |
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