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Gods of Ezora: Belonius

This entry delves into a corner of Ezora, a fragment of my world’s lore that you can adapt to your game if you find it inspiring. Use this adaptable lore to enrich the story, characters, or themes of your own game world. 

Known by many names across Ezora—Baloniuz among the Utumi or Beron no Kenja to the Drache—Belonius is the god of practical wisdom, the knowledge gained through experience and travel. He embodies personal discovery and the pursuit of understanding through life and adventure. He is revered by travelers, adventurers, and those seeking answers beyond conventional means, often preferred by those who value oral traditions and lived lessons over written knowledge. A masterful storyteller, his tales captivate and inspire listeners to embark on their own journeys. However, beneath his friendly and enlightened demeanor, Belonius harbors a darker side. His thirst for knowledge drives him to seek forbidden and dangerous secrets. Despite understanding the risks, he is unafraid to tread in shadowy places to learn what others might consider taboo.

One of the most significant myths about him is The Journey of a Thousand Questions, where Belonius, dissatisfied with the knowledge contained in the libraries and academies of Akronia, embarked on a journey across all of Ezora disguised as a simple pilgrim in a white cloak. He was recognizable by his glowing blue eyes that shone from beneath the shadow of his hood. In the frozen caverns of the Peak of the World's End, he uncovered mere fragments of terrible truths about the universe and the beings beyond the stars. This new, maddening knowledge crept into his being like a cockroach beneath his skull, mystically altering his essence.

Belonius’s followers believe that true knowledge is only gained by living life intensely, taking risks, exploring the unknown, and confronting the forbidden. They see theoretical knowledge as limited and seek experiences that allow them to understand the world deeply. For them, every journey is a lesson, and every story, a teaching. They are unafraid to delve into dangerous places or investigate the occult, as they understand that forbidden knowledge is also part of the world Belonius urges them to uncover.

His temples are rare and humble, typically located along pilgrimage routes or in traveler’s inns. In these places, the faithful share stories, offer simple tokens from their journeys, and recount lessons learned through their travels. The most significant of these temples, located in Akronia, hosts the Festival of a Thousand Tales every spring, where storytelling contests are held. The best story is blessed and copied onto a sacred scroll that travels across Ezora throughout the year.

The Path of the Devout:

  1. Pray while gazing at the night sky, as the stars symbolize the universe’s secrets.
  2. Travel frequently; never remain in one place for too long.
  3. Teach the ignorant; always share what you know and never withhold information.
  4. Leave a small offering as a symbol of your journey at every crossroads, bridge, or signpost: a feather from a bird that nests far away, a dried flower that doesn’t grow nearby, or a curious stone picked up in another place.
  5. Never stop learning, regardless of whether the knowledge is forbidden or dangerous.

Sacred Symbol: A key adorned with a blue stone or gem (the key of knowledge that unlocks all doors). Domains: magic, music, lore, trickery, and travel. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Favored Weapon: Staff (the Wanderer’s Staff).

Sacred Symbol of Belonius


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